Wilfrid Pelletier Tennis Courts

OMNISTAR delivers tennis lighting solution with maximum performance on the court and zero impact on surrounding environment

The City of Laval, on the Northern shores of the Island of Montreal, is a city of more than 430,000 inhabitants, attracting many young families looking for more living space, more green spaces and more recreational sports facilities. In 2018 the City launched a project to build outdoor tennis courts in various parks on its territory. Wilfrid-Pelletier park now houses two acrylic tennis courts that can be used all year long by the local schools and clubs if the weather permits.

To enable residents to take advantage of the tennis courts after school and work, especially in the darker months, the city wanted an energy-efficient lighting solution with zero light spill. As the tennis courts are built close to residential areas, the real challenge was to integrate the high light levels required for safety and comfort without negatively affecting residents living in the homes adjacent to the park. 

Hands-on approach to prevent light spill

As light trespass was of utmost importance for this installation, it was critical to really direct the light onto the courts and not into the neighbouring homes and yards. Our photometric designer worked with the consulting engineer to overcome this challenge by proposing the OMNISTAR floodlight installed at a zero-degree tilt. Having the specific optics to use in this case was what set Schréder apart on this project, as we could deliver the light exactly where it was needed and protect the surrounding environment.

A total of 12 floodlights were installed at a height of 12m on 4 poles. They ensure excellent visibility with high visual comfort so players can enjoy the facilities when the sun sets.

Tessier Street


City of Laval
12m poles

Off to a flying start

The success of this project is being able to bring new tennis courts to this residential area, without negatively impacting their surroundings - actually quite the opposite, the new park has increased the quality of life of local residents. With our specialised lighting solutions, people can benefit from the multiple benefits of having a safe recreational sporting facility close by, without any negative consequences on their living spaces - a win-win.